Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Guide to Using ACT Practice Tests 20 Hour Prep

Guide to Using ACT Practice Tests 20 Hour Prep SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If you only have a short time left to study for the ACT, using official practice tests can help you raise your scores quickly. In this article, I'll take you through a 20-hour ACT prep plan thatuses official practice tests to hone your skills on the test. This approach willshow youexactly what you can expect on test day and helpyou to identify and address the most pressing weaknesses in your test-taking strategy. Below, I've broken down the most effective way to get the swiftly get the greatest benefitfrompracticing with official ACTs, as well as explained the benefits and drawbacks of this type of prep program. Why Are ACT Practice Tests Good for Short Term Prep? Practice tests are the best study tools for students who are less familiar with standardized tests and have limited time to prepare.You will experience the largest point gains in the shortest time through the use of practice tests.Familiarity with the overall test format and time constraints will help students who are new to the ACT improve their scores more dramatically than practicing individual questions in isolation. Understanding and fixing your mistakes on practice tests is the number one way to improve your scores.If you can be honest with yourself about what you’re missing and take steps to counteract your most costly errors, you’ll be well on your way to a great ACT score. How to Prep for the ACT in 20 Hours Using Practice Tests The following is a basic outline of how you can use 20 hours and three official practice tests to prepare yourself for the ACT. You can always spend more or less time reviewing your practice test results depending on how much time you have before the real test! Step 1: Take an Initial Practice Test (4 Hours) You should take an official ACT practice test right off the bat so you can figure out your score level and main weaknesses.Make sure that you use the same time constraints as the real test, and set yourself up in a distraction-free environment with the appropriate supplies.Don’t take the test on a computer; it won’t be the same experience as a paper-based test. You should always print out practice tests!See this article for more information on how to simulate realistic testing conditions. Be prepared with plenty of sharpened pencils that havenice robust erasers. Look at them. Beautiful. Step 2: Review Your Mistakes (4 Hours) Now for the hard part - understanding your mistakes on the practice test and fixing them!You don’t have that much time, so you won’t be able to go super in-depth with what you’re missing, but there are lots of quick fixes you can implement that will result in significant point gains.Notice which sections gave you the most trouble. Your mistakes might fall into a few different categories.Here are some issues that students commonly run into on the ACT and strategies dealing with them: Time Management Problems If you couldn’t finish a section of the test, you have problems with time management.These issues are common for students who are new to the ACT, and can usually be resolved through strategy changes. Since the ACT is a fairly predictable test, you can make a plan in advance to tackle your time problems. As an overall strategy, you should learn to skip questions that you spend more than 30 seconds trying to figure out.Lingering on difficult questions can be very damaging to your scores.If you spend too much time on hard questions early on in a section, you may miss easier questions at the end and sacrifice points. It’s very common for students to run out of time on the Reading section of the ACT because the passages are so long.If this is the case for you, you might try changing your reading strategy.Skimming or reading the questions first rather than reading the passage closely can save a lot of time.Read this article for more information on passage reading strategies. Since the ACT always includes passages in the same topic order, you can also try reading the passage in the topic area where you feel most confident first.For example, the natural sciences passage is always last, but you could skip right to it and do those questions first if science is a strength of yours.This way, you won’t run out of time before you get to the types of questions that are easier for you. If the science section is giving you trouble, you might try reading the conflicting viewpoints passage last.This passage often ruins people’s pace on the science section because it involves more reading and takes up more time than the other data-driven passages.If you save it for last, you won’t be forced to rush on other parts of the Science section that might be easier for you. You can also read our other articles for more tips on how to avoid running out of timeon the ACT. This will be an accurate depiction of you taking the ACT once you overcome your time problems. Careless Mistakes If you find that careless mistakes are an issue for you, there are a couple of steps you can take to get a better handle on them.A careless mistake is a mistake that happened because you didn’t read carefully enough or were rushing through the question.You should have known the answer, but you answered incorrectly anyways. To reduce instances of careless mistakes, you should always double-check your answers at the end of each section.You should also try to read more carefully and avoid rushing.On the Math section, you can underline what the problem wants you to solve for so that you don’t get lost in your calculations.You can also underline key words in Reading and Science questions to keep yourself on track. Lack of Content Knowledge Did you notice that you struggled in a particular content area on the practice test? Since you only have four hours to review your mistakes, you may not be able to fix your content weaknesses completely.That being said, small issues with content can be fixed with minimal study time. Since the ACT doesn’t give you math formulas, it will be useful for you to memorize any formulas you forgot that may have caused you to lose points.You can also brush up on some grammar rules if you had issues on the English section.If there’s a very large area of knowledge that you’re missing, don’t try to learn all of it now. Focus on more superficial issues that will allow you to gain back the most points in the shortest amount of time. Don't break out the heavy duty study materials for your gaps in content knowledge if you only have 20 hours. Zero in on the easy fixes. Step 3: Repeat Steps 1 and 2 (8 Hours) After you’ve evaluated your mistakes on the first practice test and developed a new strategy, you should take a second test to see where you stand.Then, you can repeat the process of analyzing and fixing your mistakes.If you find that you’ve improved significantly, that’s great! You may be making different mistakes now, so reassess your strengths and weaknesses and work on adapting your strategy.If you haven’t improved, you should look at how you reacted to your mistakes on the previous test. Try working with alternate strategies to combat your weaknesses. Step 4: Take a Final Practice Test (4 Hours) After the second round of testing and evaluation, you should take one last practice test before the real ACT.Make sure you use all the strategies you came up with in your review sessions. The extra practice will help to ensure that your performance on the real test is consistent with your current practice test results. Total Time: 20 hours! Yes! You did it! Will 20 Hours Be Enough Study Time for You? You can certainly improve your ACT scores in twenty hours, but for students who need to make significant changes of more than 2 or 3 points it may not be ideal.For example, if you hope to improve your scores by 6 points, 80 hours might be a more realistic estimate of how much study time you need to reach your goal. See this article on how long you should study for the ACT to get a better idea of how to plan out your time.If you’re not sure of your goals yet, read about how to find your target score. Even if you plan on studying for a longer period, going through the 20 hour study plan can be a helpful way to assess your problems and get in some good practice.You can spend more time in the mistake evaluation and strategy revision phase if you plan on studying for longer than 20 hours.You might decide to take an extra practice test or two as well so that you can keep revising your strategies to keep pace with your point improvements.To learn more about why studying for the ACT is worthwhile and how it will help you in the future, read some of our free guides and other resources! What's Next? Are you worried about your low ACT scores? Learn more about some of the best ACT strategies for low scorers who are hoping to improve! Procrastination when prepping for standardized tests is a common problem. Find out how you can beat it! If you're looking for basic tips to improve your ACT scores quickly, read about these 15 mini-strategies that can make a big difference. Want to improve your ACT score by 4 points?We have the industry's leading ACT prep program. Built by Harvard grads and ACT full scorers, the program learns your strengths and weaknesses through advanced statistics, then customizes your prep program to you so you get the most effective prep possible. Check out our 5-day free trial today:

Friday, November 22, 2019

Using a Semicolon in Spanish

Using a Semicolon in Spanish The semicolon, or el punto y coma in Spanish,  is used and misused in Spanish much as it is in English. However, the rules for its application in Spanish can be more subjective than for the other punctuation symbols (signos de puntuacià ³n) and lead to a larger range of common mistakes. Still, there are two main utilities of the semicolon when writing in Spanish: joining independent clauses or detailing a list of items with multiple names in each section of the list - in both of these cases, the semicolon acts much as it does in standard English, separating thoughts into a neat, organized form. Be aware t;hat the punto y coma is invariable between singular and plural. In other words, the plural of el punto y coma is los punto y coma. You can also use los signos de punto y coma as a plural form. Using Semicolons Instead of Periods As its Spanish name suggests punto y coma means period  and  comma, which emphasizes its primary use as being to represent a break between independent clauses (a part of a sentence that could stand alone because it has a subject and verb) that is stronger than what a comma would stand for but weaker than what a period would stand for; the two clauses should be connected as part of a thought or relate to each other.   Note in these examples that separating the clauses with periods would not be wrong, but the use of a semicolon suggests a stronger relationship between the two clauses than making them into separate sentences would: Cuando estoy  en casa, me llamo Roberto; cuando trabajo, me llamo Sr. Smith. (When Im at home, Im Robert; when Im working, Im Mr. Smith.)Esta tarde vamos a la playa; los museos estn cerrados. (This afternoon we are going to the beach; the museums are closed.)En 1917, se inaugurà ³ la Estacià ³n de la Sabana; à ©sta funcionà ³ como punto central del sistema fà ©rreo nacional. (In 1917, the Sabana Station was put in service; it functioned as the center of the national railway system.) If the clauses are especially short, a comma is preferred in Spanish, such is the case with the sentence Te quiero, eres perfecto or (I love you, youre perfect), where it is grammatically acceptable to separate these two short ideas into one cohesive sentence. Using Semicolons in Lists Another use for the semicolon is in lists when at least one of the items in the list has a comma, as in English. In this way, the semicolon functions as kind of a supercomma. In the first example, the semicolons act as separators in the list of countries with deceased populations to provide clarity to the sentence structure. Encabezan la lista de los paà ­ses americanos con ms decesos Brasil y Colombia con seis cada uno; Mà ©xico con tres; y Cuba, El Salvador y Estados Unidos con dos. (Leading the list of American countries with the most deceased are Brazil and Colombia with six apiece; Mexico with three; and Cuba, El Salvador and the United States with two.)Los nominados son El ngel, Argentina; La noche de 12 aà ±os, Uruguay; Los perros, Chile; y Roma, Mà ©xico. (The nominees are The Angel, Argentina; 12-Year Night, Uruguay; The Dogs, Chile; and Roma, Mexico.)Mis parientes este verano viajan a todos lugares: mi madre, a Santiago; mi padre, a Sevilla; mi hermano, a Nueva York; y mi hija, a Bogot. (My relatives are traveling everywhere this summer: my mother, to Santiago; my father, to Seville; my brother, to New York; and my daughter, to Bogota. Semicolons can also be used in vertical lists at the end of each item other than the final one, such is the case with the following. Although the English example uses periods, commas (but not semicolons) can also be used in English: Tenemos tres metas:- aprender mucho;- amarnos;- vivir con autentididad. (We have three goals:- To learn a lot.- To love each other.- To live authentically.) Key Takeaways Semicolons in Spanish are used much as they are in English, as a punctuation mark that combines uses of the period and the comma.One common use of semicolons is show a connection in meaning between two clauses that would otherwise be made into separate sentences.Another common use of semicolons is to provide clarity in lists.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 9

Psychology - Essay Example Thailand has remained a model for organic farming. Many Thai companies are boasting of chemical free products today. Thailand’s Buddhist Asok movement helps to build organic farms and is a monk led movement, which has brought a change within the monk living style too. â€Å"Additionally, while several mainstream Thai monks are millionaires, Asok monks are not allowed to own any property and lay members living inside the community make no money. But everyone receives free food, lodging, and medical care, and students receive free education† http://www.newfarm.org/columns/Jason/2003/0303/thai_asok.shtml Thailand is feeding the world with many organic products other than the rice and in recent years this had been its valuable offering towards environment and it still remains the largest rice exporter in the world. Green Net has rendered yeomen service to organic revolution with its organising farm and trading activities. â€Å"Through more than 7-year experiences, Green Net believes that the main challenge for Third World organic movement is how to organise fair trade at national and international level which would truly benefit small-scale organic producers in a sustainable manner,† Alfoldic (2000, p.664). Organic marketing called Lemon Farms are spreading all over Thailand. Initially, it had not been easy to find customers. â€Å"It has proved difficult to get customers to pay more for generic products although there are some signs this is changing. For instance initial efforts to market organic fruits and vegetables in Thailand, ran into stiff marketing resistence† Charter (1999, p.347). â€Å"There are many doors into the organic community. Some folks come in through their alternative lifestyle. Some come desperately seeking ways to save their farms. Some are merely attracted by high organic soybean and dairy prices†. The Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms (WWOOF) has been spreading

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Compare the views on education and or work in two of the following Essay

Compare the views on education and or work in two of the following narratives from classic american autobiographies - Essay Example From the autobiographies written by themselves, the life of Twain and Franklin presents a great picture of success strategies to the major readers of the said pieces of written work. To understand how these primary elements of successful living have been presented through the said reading pieces, the following discussion shall show the different aspects of comparison that both writings hold a great understanding of both education and work aspect utilized to attain life's success. In the writing of Mark Twain, he naturally uses his childhood history as a primary narration as to how his dreams and aspirations in life primarily began. In Mississippi, life has offered him a great deal of beginning the steps towards his dreams of becoming the best kind of person that he aims to be. To compare, Franklin's autobiography on the other hand, he notes that to fulfill his dreams of getting thee best opportunity to be known in the field of publishing, he needed to live his hometown to begin his journey towards success. On this particular aspect of presentation, the said individuals showed that the society has a great contribution to whatever a person turns out to be.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Identification of Morphological and Physiological Characteristics of Unknown Bacteria Essay Example for Free

Identification of Morphological and Physiological Characteristics of Unknown Bacteria Essay Obesity is a word that everyone is currently familiar with. The media and health professionals have been working tirelessly to make the general public aware of its prevalence and detriments to society. With the staggering statistics of 32.2% prevalence in adults and a range of 13.9% to 18.9% prevalence in children and adolescents, these outstanding numbers stand out for themselves. (1) Increasing rates of obesity are associated with higher risk factors for other diseases such as; Type 2 diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, colon cancer, diverticulitis, cancer of the endometrium, and breast cancer. (2) Knowing how to combat obesity will lead to decreased complications of the condition as well as a lower risk factor for other diseases. In light of these significant numbers, our group chose to explore the relationship of dietary fiber to aid in the prevention and treatment of obesity, therefore also reducing the incidence other diseases. Our focus was on making a hot meal with a simple modification to increase the dietary fiber available. The original recipe is a white rice pilaf with the adjustment being made with a substitution of brown rice. This change will boost the fiber intake from 0.8g per serving to 2.6g per serving. The represents a substantial jump in accessibility to a vital part of our diet. We expect favorable results in the acceptance of our modification. The texture is a bit hardier, cooking time is longer, and cost is slightly higher, but we believe the benefits outweigh these variables. The RDA recommends between 25g-30g a day, but the average American receives only 12g-13g per day.(3) With this easy alteration, we hope to increase these low numbers that the average American receives up to the reco mmended levels. Purpose The purpose of our research study is to substitute brown rice for white rice in a pilaf. This pilaf can be eaten for lunch or dinner as a hot side dish or main dish. It is intended to introduce a serving of a whole grain in the diet and with it bring an increase dietary fiber. Literature Review Introduction The frequent occurrence of this disease, as mentioned above, has produced many scientific research studies concentrating on remedying and reversing the trend. Finding and interpreting the results was uncomplicated. I used the online databases; Google Scholar, Medline, and Cinhal to gather my data. My keywords included obesity and dietary fiber. I assembled strong studies that encompassed sample sizes ranging from 11-74,091 participants, with timelines up to twelve years, and accommodating populations in the United States, Spain, Finland, Brazil, Italy, Greece, the former Yugoslavia, Japan, Serbia, Belgrade, and The Netherlands. These studies centered on three different aspects of the relationship between dietary fiber and weight. These are expanded upon below. A synopsis of the reviewed studies can be found in Appendix 1. Correlations of the Development of Obesity Seven out of the ten studies compared the connection between dietary fiber intake and the development or current status of obesity. (2, 4-9) All studies included self reported questionnaires to collect sociodemographic, health history, physical activity, anthropometric, bowel movements, and dietary data. The most common dietary form used was the Food Frequency Questionnaire, with six complying. (2, 4-5, 7-9) The last study utilized twenty-four hour recalls. (6) Other measurements included height, weight, and subscapular skinfold thickness. The entire body of findings revealed that higher fiber intake was inversely related to long term weight gain and increased body fat. Reporting measures were diverse but included the same positive trend. Higher fiber intake equated to an average weight of 1.52kg less, a 48-49% lower risk of weight gain, and a BMI that was 1.5 less when compared to low fiber intake. Some studies investigated other variables in addition to increasing fiber. One study addressed physical activity in addition to increased fiber as a therapy. (5) This study along with another explored the incorporation of a low fat diet along with the high fiber diet. In both, dietary fat was not directly associated with reduction of body fat or obesity but showed a compounding result when correlated with higher fiber. A lower BMI difference of 2.75 was established on a low fat and high fiber diet. (6) Development of Diseases related to Obesity Two studies were taken on to look into the increased use of fiber to decrease the risk of obesity leading to Type 2 diabetes. (10, 11) In a large cohort with a sample size just under 36,000, self reported dietary and weight figures were collected. (10) After six years of follow up, the statistics were analyzed and the results showed a 22% lower risk of the development of diabetes from the highest quintile of dietary fiber intake. These optimistic results were in consensus with the other study. This study had more stringent controls and divided participants into two groups. (11) One received standard care and the other received intensive exercise and dietary counseling. Oral glucose tolerance tests and body composition measurements were calculated. After a four year follow up, the high fiber group gained 75% less than their low fiber counterparts, 0.7kg gain versus 3.1kg gain, respectively. Treatment of Obesity The last study out of the ten engaged the most scientific disciplines. (12) The sample was already obese. They participated in controlled feeding in a metabolic kitchen. The cross over design allowed for six weeks on either a low or high fiber diet with a six week washout period in between them. Daily logs were kept and an OGTT and Euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp was used every two weeks for measuring results. At the conclusion, fasting insulin was 10% lower, the AUC was lowered, and the rate of glucose infusion was higher after the higher fiber diet. Limitations All of the studies employed self reporting figures in some form, whether the basis of all of their information or for at least some part. This may lead to underreporting, overreporting, or misinterpretation. The definition of a whole-grain or high fiber food varied among studies. Recipe and ingredient databases or non-comprehensive food frequency questionnaires may aid in inaccurate recordings of intake. Although the study utilizing the metabolic kitchen was the best scientific representation among the studies it is worth mentioning that it was sponsored and funded by the General Mills Corporation. This could lead to a possible conflict of interest and hence a limitation to the studies findings. Conclusion The complete compilation of studies supports the purpose of our recipe modification. Each emphasized the importance of replacing low fiber foods with fiber rich foods to help prevent or reduce weight gain. The significant correlation between fiber and obesity has been established in this review. The protective role of fiber, along with physical activity and dietary fat, should be included in advice and management therapies tailored to this condition and other related to it. Materials and Methods For our subjective evaluation we designed three separate score cards; demographic, evaluation, and preference. Samples of the score cards can be found in Appendix 2. Sociodemographic For the demographic background we included questions regarding age range, household income range, ethnicity, and educations. We also included six questions probing background information on exposure and open-mindedness of our products.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Everyone for Themselves :: Driving Transportation Essays

Everyone for Themselves I lived in the village of Millington, MI most of my life, where most of the roads roll around open farmland. After moving down to Lapeer, MI and traveling daily to Rochester, MI on M-24, it seems as if people from different traffic areas drive in different ways. City drivers tend to go 5-20+ speed limit, tailgate more, and seem to run a lot of lights. I would say the majority of the city drivers do this. Some country drivers might also have some of the traits of city drivers, but normally they go 0-5+ speed limit, rarely tailgate, run lights, and do a lot less traffic violations overall. The driving community of the U.S. consists of people of every ethnic background, race, color, and gender. Anyone can become part of the driving community as long as they have a vehicle to drive. To legally become a member of the community you must follow a few steps. First, have a license, which means you may have to take many tests in order to proclaim your worthiness, and pay fees to the secretary of state. The second step is to have your car insured through any broker. The last step is to purchase plates for your vehicle, again paying fees to the secretary of state. If you get pulled over by the police you may get into big trouble if you didn’t go through the â€Å"initiation steps†. He or she may impound your vehicle and send you to jail. Anything that has brake lights, headlights, turn signals, and bumpers (exc. motorcycles) can be considered a vehicle for driving on most roads. (Roads that move faster have requirements, for example, it should have at least a 400cc engine on certain expressways.) Also, expressways and fast moving roads frown on farm equipment or any slow moving vehicles. This is for the safety of the driver of the vehicle and the safety of everyone else on the road. In my first few trips down to Rochester I was absolutely stunned how many people can rush a yellow, and run the red. For example I was about 30’ from the light when it changed to yellow, obviously I couldn’t stop. I looked behind me, three other cars in my lane also made it! I try to assimilate so I won‘t create an accident, but I don’t think I can ever go to the extent that they do.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Relativism versus Objectivism Essay

The moral debate of relativism versus objectivism is one that confronts a moral question that philosophers have been debating for many years. The ultimate question brought about in the debate is whether morality is based solely on individual choice and cultural approval, or are there universally valid moral principles. With this essay I will present the arguments for each view and I will also argue for the position I favor: moral objectivism. Relativism is the view that states that moral principles vary by culture (conventionalism) or by individuals (subjectivism). Conventionalists like Ruth Benedict argue that since different cultures hold different principles, one culture has no basis to judge another culture’s morals. She uses the argument of normality: each culture defines what behavior is normal to fit the behavior of the majority. The majority of that population then defines normality and lives by it, and only a small minority deviates from that normality. According to Benedict morality is just term that we’ve come to use for socially approved habits, and normal is a variant of the concept of good. Subjectivism is the extreme end of relativism. This view holds that morality is determined at the individual level, not a social or universal level. Therefore, the only moral principles that are valid are the ones you believe in, and basically all principles are equally valid. Criticism of these arguments starts with the judgment question: how can a society or individual judge the behavior of another if all socially accepted behaviors or personal moral principles are valid? The answer is that it can’t, but a few examples will show what tolerance can allow. From a historical standpoint slavery was considered normal by those who held slaves. Since slaveholders were the dominant culture in that area, the normal and therefore, the good behavior was to own slaves. According to conventionalism slavery was a morally right act at the time that it was popular, and only when conventions changed did it become wrong. Nazism was morally right, simply because the numerical majority of a population agreed with it. The terrorists of September 11 are definitely aberrant in Western culture, but in their own they are saints in paradise. If conventionalism holds true, then the actions of those men were absolutely correct because their society agreed with them. Louis Pojman goes further to ask, how large  is a population or a society? If he and a friend get together and decide to become criminals, is that a large enough group to count as a society? He accuses conventionalism of sliding toward subjectivism. He also asks if social reformers aren’t aberrant and therefore immoral. Since they swim upstream in their culture, and disagree with the majority, aren’t they committing a wrong act? While these kinds of issues arise at the conventionalist level, they are even more obvious at the subjectivist level. If subjectivism holds true, then any court system or law is useless, since the only standard by which a man can be judged is his own, and whether or not he upheld his own principles. Essentially, all behavior is correct to the subjectivist. Thus, the subjectivist cannot even disapprove of murder or terrorism because these acts are as valid and acceptable as love and altruism, so long as they are a part of the individual’s moral principles. Since all is permissible and every action is as good as another, where is the meaning? By removing value judgments from a person’s behavior he is left with no motive to behave in a moral fashion, because he can craft a moral principle to suit every behavior. Everything he does is as good as anything else, because there is no standard to measure his behavior. In Pojman’s essay, he argues further that subjectivism reduces morality to aesthetic individual tastes: if I like to murder, I will craft my morality to suit my taste for death. According to Pojman, â€Å"a contradiction seems to exist between subjectivism and the very concept of morality†¦Ã¢â‚¬  because morality is the â€Å"proper resolution of interpersonal conflict and the amelioration of the human predicament†. To the subjectivist then, there is no proper, and therefore no need for morality. Objectivism is the view that holds that certain moral principles are valid for all individuals and cultures. There are different levels of objectivism: the fixed view, which says that principles are fixed and do not change; the universal view, which includes the fixed view and adds that principles apply to all people everywhere; and the absolutist view, which includes the universal view and adds that certain principles are non-override able and true for all situations. People who hold this theory answer the question  Ã¢â‚¬Å"where do these principles come from?† in several different ways: from the essence or commonality of human nature, from natural reality (moral realism), from God or the divine, or from the intrinsic good within humans. Pojman bases his view of objectivism on the assumption that â€Å"human nature is relatively similar in essential respects, having a common set of needs and interests.† He then defines moral principles as â€Å"functions of human needs†¦instituted by reason.† Pojman is not an absolutist; he does not necessarily think that principles are non-overrideable. Instead, he argues that certain principles hold true across cultures and relativism comes in at the application stage. These principles, which form his â€Å"core morality,† are general and leave less important or secondary issues up to the individual or to society. He uses abortion as an example: the debate isn’t about the right to kill babies; it is about when life begins. Everyone could agree that killing babies is wrong, but what constitutes a baby and a life? Pojman concludes that the fact of someone disagreeing with a principle does not invalidate the principle; perhaps it is the person who is incorrect. When deciding which side of the argument suited me best, I found it to be a rather easy choice of objectivism. At its roots, relativism seems to be a fair argument for tolerance and for cultures to stay together. However, as I analyzed relativism deeper I decided its tolerance is too loose and leaves too much room for completely reckless and destructive behavior. Instead, objectivism makes more sense to me. I feel that humans across the globe are ingrained with common sets of needs, interests, and desires, and therefore there are principles that are universal and ingrained in human nature. Then those principles are interpreted by a culture and society, which then decides how it implements them into its existence. An objectivist society should still be leaving room in its moral philosophy for tolerance of other cultures and their practices, but not to the degree that conventionalism or subjectivism allows. Principles of morality that effect an entire culture or society should be based on a majority decision, not the beliefs of a few.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Fine Art Critique Paper

Germaine Armstrong Professor Hale MU2313 Critique Paper When I went home last weekend I attempted to go to the Arlington Museum of Art. Unfortunately the museum was closed due to the fact that they where changing exhibits and would not reopen until the following week. I returned back to San Marcos and decided I would go to The Wittliff Collections here on campus. To my surprise it was a lot bigger than I thought it would be. Being on just one floor of a building I thought it would be a pretty limited museum but it is way bigger than expected. There are four exhibits on display in the museum.One is a permanent display in the museum. There are also a couple of smaller displays in an area in the museum. I couldn’t take any pictures in the museum due to the many signs up saying not to. The exhibit that is on permanent display is The Lonesome Dove Collection. Arguably the greatest western made is based on the Larry McMurtry’s Pulitzer Prize-winning novel. On display there ar e many things from scripts from the TV show to trail maps used to show the geography of the land on the show. The collection is pretty amazing to me and I am not really a fan of lonesome dove.There are so many small details of the show that you get to see. It really catches your attention. You get to see so many of the props from guns to the saddles they used on horses. Though this is the only permanent exhibit the other exhibits are equally as great. Another Exhibit on display is called Face to Face Portraits. This exhibit shows the work of over 30 photographers. From photos that included Willie Nelson and Texas State alumni George Strait to homeless men, women, and children from across the world. Two pieces from this exhibit really caught my attention.One of the pictures I found very interesting being that of an older gentlemen sitting in a chair that I thought to be pretty unique. The chair he is sitting in caught my eye as soon as I looked at the photo. The arms of the chair hav e been carved to look like the head of a cougar, with the legs the chair being cougar legs. The wood of the chair has many different shades of color. The man sitting in the chair is actually dressed cleanly but you can clearly see that he is a man of lower class. He has on old sneakers and looks like he is out in the sun for a good majority of his time.This one photograph made me ask myself many questions such as â€Å"is he wealthy or poor? † and â€Å"is that his chair or just used for the picture? † or maybe â€Å"did he make the chair and wants to sell it? † The photo really made me think more than any other in exhibit. The other photo or photos in the exhibit that caught my eye were those of Willie Nelson. He had several photos as well as other notable things such as one of his songbooks on display. Nelson had his very on little display case of many notable pictures and accomplishments of his. The reason I really like this is because I am a fan of Willieâ⠂¬â„¢s music.Not only am I a fan but also Willie actually owned a gas station and a house not even ten miles away from where I grew up. So I have gone and seen many notable things that have happened in his career as he put many things on display in his gas station. The most unique thing in the display was a songbook that Willie Nelson wrote when he was ten years old. Seeing more of his accomplishments was awesome. A third exhibit was Global Odyssey: From Texas to the world and back. It showcased many stories of Texas writers as they traveled the world. There are stories form men who severed in Vietnam.This was my least favorite exhibit of any not to say it was a bad one but it just did not catch my attention like the other exhibits. The final exhibit was Las Sombras The Shadows. This exhibit I thought was the coolest of them all. The Photograms by Kate Breakey are amazing. This was my most favorite because I am an animal lover. Many of the photos captured wild animals in their natur al environment. There are several rooms with pictures from this exhibit. One room had most of my attention. The room was all pictures taken from a video that was filmed by a camera left in the woods.Other photos where actually like the outline of many animals. The most intriguing photo to me was a picture of a wolf. The Wolf is actually walking right toward the camera and looking directly in to the lens with its head tilted a little to one side. I like this photo because it shows the wolf checking out its surroundings and actually examining something odd. It looks as if the wolf knows that the camera is not suppose to be there. In all the other photos the animals are either running or walking right by the camera. I am actually glad I went to the museum on campus and it’s the museum I choose to write about.If I did not have to do this critique and the museum in Arlington was not closed I probably would have never visited the museum on campus. Having went I really enjoyed mysel f. I thought it was worth every minute of my time and I could see myself visiting it many more times before I am don at Texas State. I went to the Bass Performance Hall in Fort Worth Texas to watch the Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra. I was sitting pretty high up but still had a great seat and could hear perfectly. Before going to watch the performance I read a couple of reviews online.Most of the reviews praised the orchestra for there performance in concerts earlier this year. The concert I attended would include pieces from three composers John B Hedges, Schumann, and Rimsky-Korsakov. I arrived to the concert pretty early and after I walked around for a little bit I found my seat, which turned out to be way better than, I expected when I first got there. When I first got to my seat I could see the stage fine but thought I might not be able to hear very well being so high up. Boy was I wrong when the members of the orchestra began to warm up I could hear everything crystal clear.Hav ing never being at one of these big concerts before I found it weird how everyone warmed up separately. With them warming up like that it sounded like a bunch of senseless noise. As it got closer to show time the senseless noise became certain people warming up together to whole sections warming up together and was pretty cool. The concert started out with a piece by John B Hedges called Slapdance. This piece of music was filled with a lot of life and energy. One of the reasons I really enjoyed this piece was because of the many percussion instruments used.I was in my high school band and my favorite pieces would always be the fast paced exciting music filled with percussion. This piece had me on the edge of my seat and really excited for the rest of the concert. The piece following Slapdance was a piece by Schumann by the name of Cello Concerto in A Minor, Op. 129. This piece though not as exciting as the first piece was pretty good. It started out slow but it picked up as the song continued. This piece had a solo for a cello. The solo was played by a guest cellist Alban Gerhardt which I learned later is considered one of the great cellist of our time.Though this was my least favorite piece it was not because I did not like it but because I really liked the other two more. After the first two pieces there was an intermission. Most people got up and left the performance room but I stayed just to observe and see what the orchestra would be doing. To my surprise many of them got up and went backstage but a few of them stayed on the stage and seemed to practice he up coming piece. Seeing professional musicians stay on stage and continue to practice up to right before they played was pretty cool to see. After the 15 minute intermission every on returned to their seats.The entire orchestra came back to the stage for the final piece Scheherazade, Op. 35 written by Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov. Being the final piece it was the longest of the three selections. I really enj oyed this piece because it had many parts some parts where very slow but it had plenty of exciting parts. This piece actually tells many Indian-Arabian tales called A Thousand and One Nights. This piece even though written hundreds of years later is as well known as the stories. The performance hall where the concert was held was an amazing place to see. When I first arrived and saw the building I thought â€Å"this is the building. Not knowing that I actually wasn’t at the front of the building but the side. Once I got inside everything was extremely incredible. The building didn’t look nearly as large from the outside. When I walked into where the performance would be held I was in awe. The stage was set down at the bottom from where I was with four different levels of seats. Having never been to a place like it I thought it would be awesome to play music in a place like that. The Bass Performance is an amazing place. By attending this classical music concert I lear ned that I could actually enjoy this type of music.The cost for the concert was actually pretty cheap and the seat I had I think was pretty good. I feel like the concert was worth my money and my time. My high school football coach use to always tell me that going outside your comfort zone makes you broaden your mind on what you think is good and bad. Before going to the concert I would have never thought that I would enjoy the music as much as I did. Even though I enjoyed it I probably will not go to another one just to go. After going and my brother and I being the only two younger people there it felt a little uncomfortable.It is something I could see myself going to when I get older. For right now though I would rather go to something with more excitement and people my age. Picking a movie to critique for this paper was a lot harder than I thought it would be. I could not decide if I wanted to pick a movie I had never seen or one I have seen many times. Did I want to pick a movi e that I liked or one that I hated? I decide that I would pick a movie I did not like to see if me critiquing the movie would change how I viewed it or would my opinion stay the same.The movie I choose to critique was the movie Clueless written and directed by Amy Heckerling. The movie is based on a very popular girl in high school who along with her best friend helps the new nerdy kid that arrives at their school to fit in. By changing how the new kid dresses, talks, and trying to get her a boyfriend. Cher Horowitz the main character of the movie is at the top of her schools social scene. Her father is a rich lawyer so she has everything she has ever wanted. Going to high school in Beverly Hills she is obsessed with her fashion.She likes to think she is just as normal as a regular girl but has a closet that puts her outfits together. She is the typical example of â€Å"daddy’s little girl†. Even when given rules to follow she somehow always manages to find a loophole and does what she wants. She is your typical â€Å"brat†. The one thing she cannot seem to get is a boy. The movie is told from Cher’s point of view as she tries to help friends and ultimately help herself before the movie ends. Cher’s best friend is Dionne. Dionne understands Cher because she faces all the same popular girl problems.Dionne helps Cher with her fashion and trying to give the new kid a makeover. At first Cher is against Dionne and her boyfriend’s relationship but after a near accident Cher realizes that the two are in love and ends up envying their relationship. Tai Frasier is the ugly unpopular nerd that transfers to Cher and Dionne’s school. As soon as she arrives Cher makes it a point of hers to transfer the goofy nerd into one of the popular girls. Dionne is uneasy with the idea at first but Cher uses her charming ways to convince her to do it. Tai immediately falls behind Cher and Dionne and listens to everything the two says.Sh e is attracted to an unpopular boy but ignores him because Cher and Dionne says she should be dating one of the most popular boys at school. Mel Horowitz is the father of Cher. He is a very successful litigator who pays more attention to his work than to his daughter. He tries to discipline Cher throughout the movie but she manages to always find a way to get off easy. Josh Lucas is Cher’s ex-stepbrother. Her father used to be married to Josh’s mother. Josh has ambitions to be a lawyer and tries to learn many things from Mel. Josh and Cher flirt throughout the movie but when she sees josh and Tai flirting she becomes jealous.However Josh and Cher ends up falling for each other at the very end of the movie. When Cher realizes she cannot connect with any other boy because she loves him. Christian Stovitz is one of Cher’s main love interests in the movie until she finds out that he is gay. Christian arrives at midway trough the school year and immediately gets Cher ’s attention. She goes out with him several times and even tries to seduce him. When it does not work she thinks it as something to with herself. After complaining about it to Dionne and her boyfriend Cher is told he is gay and she now understands him more.Throughout the film Cher refers to herself as clueless many times. Even though she had many answers for others problems she often found herself clueless to her own. She helps many of her friends with fashion and boys. She is not able to get any boy she wants. She becomes aware of this and becomes depressed. Shopping helps her depression for a little while but she still finds herself down. She finally overcomes her depression when admits to herself that she loves Josh. After reading reviews on this movie it was actually a pretty big hit in 1995. The movie was much more popular than most expected.It is still a very popular movie because many girls can relate to the things that happen in it. This movie is not based on a true s tory but the events that happen I am sure are possible. Even though I went to a small high school I have seen many girls freak out over many silly things. All of the things Cher goes through sounds like typical girl problems. After seeing this movie several times and now critiquing it I still think that it is overly hyped and I do not think it is a movie I would watch just to watch. There would have to be a reason I would watch it. I think my opinion is like this because I cannot relate to the movie.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Versus and Its Abbreviations

Versus and Its Abbreviations Versus and Its Abbreviations Versus and Its Abbreviations By Maeve Maddox A reader wants to know more about the use of the word versus and its abbreviations: I have seen â€Å"versus† spelled out and abbreviated as both â€Å"vs.† and â€Å"v.† Is there any rhyme or reason to this word? The earliest citation of versus in the OED is in a legal context dated 1447: â€Å"John Husset versus John Notte.† The word comes from the Latin verb vertere: â€Å"to turn, turn back, be turned, translate.† Versus is the past participle of vertare. Its meanings in English include â€Å"against† and â€Å"as opposed or compared to†: The Parties Versus the People: How to Turn Republicans and Democrats into Americans Researchers examine autism differences in boys versus girls Depending on context, versus may be spelled out or abbreviated. The abbreviated form vs. is pronounced â€Å"versus.† The abbreviation for versus in the title of a case at law is the letter v followed by a period: Brown v. Board of Education Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission This legal abbreviation is usually pronounced like the name of the letter: â€Å"vee,† but I’ve heard lawyer characters on Law and Order say â€Å"versus.† Note: The title of a court case, like the title of a book, is italicized, including the v. In other contexts, the word versus and abbreviation vs. are not italicized. In British usage, the period after vs. is omitted. Versus, vs. and vs, are often used in headlines: Steelers hope breakout versus Colts only the start Dogs versus cats: Take the quiz! Minnesota launches deer vs. trees debate Babies vs Pets in Viral Advertising The Associated Press Stylebook recommends spelling out versus â€Å"in ordinary speech and writing† and abbreviating it as v. in court cases. According to AP, the abbreviation vs. is acceptable â€Å"in short expressions,† as in â€Å"The issue of guns vs. butter has long been with us.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:15 Terms for Those Who Tell the FutureAcronym vs. Initialism20 Names of Body Parts and Elements and Their Figurative Meanings

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Toll, Knell, and Tocsin

Toll, Knell, and Tocsin Toll, Knell, and Tocsin Toll, Knell, and Tocsin By Maeve Maddox The following headlines lead me to assume that the bride or groom or both did not survive the ceremony: Wedding Bells Toll For A Bride From Camelot- Philadelphia news site, 1986 Wedding bells toll for Tiger- Cape Cod Times, 2004 Wedding bells toll in Conn. for gay couples- Boston Globe, 2008 Wedding bells toll for Richard Marx, Daisy Fuentes- Business Standard, 2015 However, each of these headlines appeared over articles about weddings that- at the time anyway- did not go awry. There was a time when â€Å"to toll a bell† just meant to pull on a rope attached to a really big bell. Since at least 1620, however, when John Donne wrote his famous devotional, the verb toll in connection with the ringing of bells has been associated with death. Bells toll at funerals. At weddings, they peal. I suspect that headline writers reach for the word toll because they associate it with the title of the Hemingway novel  For Whom the Bell Tolls. Unfamiliar with Hemingway’s source, they imagine that toll goes with any kind of bell, including wedding bells. Hemingway took his title from a meditation on death by John Donne (1572-1631). Donne lived in London during a plague epidemic. Every time someone died, the church bells tolled. Lacking online news updates or Twitter, people would send a messenger to find out the identity of the latest victim. Donne tells his readers not to bother. The bell is tolling for everyone: Any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee. Another gloomy word for ringing a bell is knell. knell verb: To ring slowly and solemnly, as for a death or at a funeral, to toll. knell noun: The sound made by a bell when struck or rung, especially the sound of a bell rung slowly and solemnly, as immediately after a death or at a funeral. In modern usage, the noun is more common than the verb. The phrase â€Å"death knell is a figurative expression that indicates something is on the brink of extinction. Unmodified, knell is a synonym for end. Here are recent examples of usage: Sound the Knell for Free Cell Phone Games Super Bowl the Knell for TV Sports? Does New House Bill Sound the Death Knell for Estate Tax? China’s Communist Party Sounds Death Knell for Arrest, Conviction Quotas Does Election Outcome Ring Death Knell for Religious Freedom? Greek, French Elections Sound Death Knell for Austerity Bells have long been associated with religious ceremony, but church bells have also served as community alarm signals because the sound of them can be heard across great distances. The word for a bell rung as an alarm signal is tocsin. The word is often used figuratively as a synonym for alarm or warning: Two stories about British dental care sound a tocsin about government involvement in health care Representative Buyers comments and widespread reports in the press that basic training has gone soft should sound a tocsin for policymakers concerned with the institutional integrity of the armed forces.   A tolling bell denotes sorrow. Unless your intention is to imply that getting married is the equivalent of a death sentence, better say that wedding bells are  pealing,  chiming, or simply ringing. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:7 Examples of Passive Voice (And How To Fix Them)What to Do When Words Appear Twice in a Row7 Sound Techniques for Effective Writing

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Genetic Engineering in Oryx and Crake Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Genetic Engineering in Oryx and Crake - Essay Example From this perspective, the current paper critically analyses the novel Oryx and Crake by Atwood. To achieve this objective, the paper examines the possible outcomes of present pursuit of genetic engineering illustrated in the illusionary world created by the author and makes connections to present realities. A critical analysis of the novel Oryx and Crake reveals that Atwood’s main argument relates to the detrimental effects associated with advances in science and technology, especially genetic engineering. Genetic engineering is a technology which involves manipulation of organisms and their genetic make-up. The genetic manipulation may involve inserting foreign genes into an organism to alter its biological, physical and behavioral characteristics. While genetic engineering has been used for beneficial purposes, the advancement in DNA technology has raised numerous questions about the possible impact on society. Nicholl asserts that genetic engineering is an emotive subject (4). The novel examines these consequences from ethical, scientific, economic and social perspectives. The novel begins by illustrating an unidentified event leading to the collapse of morality and civilization. Snowman, the protagonist lives with bizarre human creatures, called the Crackers. The world depicted by Atwood is characterized by atypical beasts, products of DNA technology. From the interjected scenes, it becomes clear that Snowman grew up as Jimmy, who became friends with Glenn (Crake), a talented science student. The two liked playing computer games and watching child pornography. Crake pursues career in bioengineering while Jimmy takes on humanities and literature. Crake creates the Crakes, human-like engineered creatures and befriends a prostitute, Oryx. In addition, Crake develops a contagious engineered virus in the disguise of a drug. The virus infects all human subjects apart from Jimmy who has been innocuously vaccinated against it. The world depicted in the Oryx and Crake illustrates possible outcomes of the advancement in science and technology, especially the use of DNA technology in genetic engineering. While science and technology presents enormous benefits to societies, when these technologies and processes are not controlled they poses detrimental effects. Genetic engineering is one of the most interesting technologies in the 21st century. The ability to create organisms with super-qualities outlines the beneficial outcomes related to DNA technology. However, if scientific experimentation with the genetic-make up of organisms could also result to detrimental effects. This could happen via both deliberate manipulations to create harmful organisms or due to accidental escape of experimental biological material from contained systems. The Oryx and Crake envision a fictional society, in which genetic engineering has been used to create synthetic food products and organisms that threaten the existence of the very society they are made to benefit. A critical analysis of the masterpiece reveals that the author depicts the possible consequences that could arise due to advancement in science and technology. For instance, the novel illustrates the creation of a virulent virus in the disguise of a drug. This illustration depicts the possible use of technology to create harmful