Sunday, March 22, 2020

Thirty Years War Essays - Anti-Catholicism, , Term Papers

Thirty Years War The causes of the Thirty Years War can be traced as far back as the renaissance period. It was during the renaissance that such ideals as secularism, humanism, individualism, rationalism and above all else secularism were first apparent in main stream society. These ideas led to the protestant reformation, which is an even more direct cause of the war. The split of the Catholic Church, as a result of the protestant reformation left Europe in a state of religious turmoil and chaos. The gradual increase in intolerance and religious sectionalism that coincided with the addition of new religions and even more diversity has been marked as the main cause of the Thirty Years War. The effects of the war would prove to be devastating to most of Europe, evidenced by the sharp drop in population, but it was especially devastating to Germany. However, there were some countries and bodies of people that emerged from the conflict improved such as France, Sweden, and the religion of Calvinism. There were many territorial and dynastic issues that figured in the outbreak and conduct of the war as well, but it is believed that these factors did not become important until the middle stages of the war. The territorial and dynastic causes, which go hand in hand, did however, cause the war to continue longer than it most likely would have if religion had been the only motive. The extent of religious motives therefor is debated, but cannot be dismissed. The immediate causes of the war began with the resistance and eventual revolt of Protestant nobles in Bohemia, due to the religious intolerance mentioned before, which was under Hapsburg domination, against the Catholic king Ferdinand. The reasons and causes for its spread throughout Europe include the constitutional frailty of the Holy Roman Empire, the inability of the German states to act in concert, and the ambitions of other European powers. These were the causes that would eventually be responsible for the war lasting as long as it did. The political motives became more and more prevalent when Sweden entered the war to help the Protestant cause. Sweden did not enter the war for religious reasons at all; they were looking to gain land. Finally it seemed that religion was completely forgotten and abandoned as a cause when Catholic France and Protestant Sweden joined forces against the Catholic Hapsburgs. France was worried that the Hapsburgs were becoming too powerful so they decided to assert their influence into the war. The results and effects of the war and the two peace treaties were highly significant. France replaced Spain as the greatest power in Europe. With Sweden, France had blocked the Habsburg efforts to strengthen their authority in the Empire. At Westphalia, the right of the individual states within the Empire to make war and conclude alliances was recognized. In theory as well as in fact, the most important of these states became virtually autonomous, and German unity was postponed for more than two centuries. The Empire was further dismembered by the recognition of the independence of Switzerland and the seven northern provinces of the Netherlands. Two new powers emerged in northern Germany. France received most of Alsace by the Treaty of Westphalia, and by the Treaty of Pyrenees parts of Flanders and Artois in the Spanish Netherlands and lands in the Pyrenees. The religious settlement at Westphalia confirmed the predominance of Catholicism in southern Germany and of Protestantism in northern Germany. The principle accepted by the Peace of Augsburg of 1555 that Catholic and Lutheran princes could determine the religion practiced in their territory was maintained, and this privilege was extended to include the Calvinists as well. The Austrian Habsburgs had failed in their efforts to increase their authority in the Empire and to eradicate Protestantism, but they emerged from the war stronger than before. In Bohemia, they had stamped out Protestantism, broken the power of the old nobility, and declared the crown hereditary in the male line of their family. With Bohemia now firmly in their grasp and with their large group of adjoining territories, they were ready to expand to the east in the Balkans, to the south in Italy, or to interfere once more in the

Thursday, March 5, 2020

How to Start a College Essay

How to Start a College Essay People perceive college life to be exciting and fun since there is much association and friendliness from students. In most cases, students tend to procrastinate doing their weekend take-home assignments. They go partying and in any other funfair activities forgetting that the weekend is only two days. It requires proper preparation to do a top-notch college essay. Starting early is therefore one of the strategies students should implement when they wish to do their college essays. The more time one has, the lesser the stress associated with deadlines. Nowadays most college professors prefer to have assignments through their e-mails. This feature allows professors to check time in which students uploaded their papers. Having plenty of time prepares one to give the essay his/her best effort. Starting a breathtaking college essay requires to think about what interest him/her. Writing an essay necessitates one to take a moment and remember what he/she loves to talk about, what makes the student to be attentive in class or focus on the TV and so on. It is a big mistake to write about what you think might interest the professor. Though writing an essay prompts one to acknowledge the target audience, it is of the essence to write about an issue, a person or event that has significance in your life. Students should remember that writing a boring essay will also be boring to read. It is important to be honest while writing an essay. Examiners have read several essay and have masters at discovering any small instance of plagiarism. In college, plagiarism is a big issue and may lead to one being discontinued from learning. Students who find it difficult to do college essays can as well order for them online from freelance writing institutions. It is worth to take risks while writing college essays. Settling for an essay topic that everybody is writing about can be dangerous. You can imagine if there are 50 students from your class and professor is still burning the midnight oil trying to assess your essays. If he/she has read 10 topics of the same theme, the professor will immediately doze off because it will be now monotonous. The danger in writing college essays does not lie in writing bad essays but in writing common essays. Take time and ask friends about essay topics they are writing about, it saves a lot.